Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Join Lenon Honor for this candid lecture for women, mothers, and daughters. In this 5 and a half hour lecture series Lenon Honor speaks about the power of women, self-esteem, self-worth, personal refinement, strategies for attracting honorable men, and how to nurture positive male/female relationships. View lectures on my website or download video and mp3 files to your computer.
In this video series I provide a clear and logical approach to preparing for a positive relationship with a woman. Using the knowledge gained while being in a 18 year relationship with my wife, I provide men and women with the information that they will need to prepare for a positive relationship. This video series will also help women to raise their relationship expectations. If you are already in a relationship this video series will help to make positive changes so that your current relationship will be even more positive. View lectures on my website or download video and mp3 files files to your computer.
Join Lenon Honor for this candid lecture for women, mothers, and daughters. In this 5 and a half hour lecture series Lenon Honor speaks about the power of women, self-esteem, self-worth, personal refinement, strategies for attracting honorable men, and how to nurture positive male/female relationships. View lectures on my website or download video and mp3 files files to your computer.